General Conduct
As a way of maintaining good morals, students must stand up to greet the teacher before the lesson and thank him/her at the end of the lesson.
Students must be attentive, cooperative and diligent in class – e.g. there must be no sleeping or disruptive behavior.
Students are to copy notes/exercises, complete and hand in all assignments on time.
Students who need to leave the classroom for valid reasons must obtain permission from the teacher.
In the absence of the class teacher, students must take permission from the class prefect at all times.
Students must keep the classroom presentable at all times.
All food must be consumed in the canteen or the classroom with observing good manners.
Students’ personal effects are not to be left in the classroom after curriculum and instructional time.
Students must behave with integrity and in a socially responsible manner at all times.
Students must uphold the rules and regulations of the school at all times and report students who misbehave or behave suspiciously.
Students must follow the security procedures of the school and take care of their belongings.
Gambling or betting in any form is prohibited.
Students must not vandalize school, public or private property.
Students must not waste electricity or water.
Students must adhere to the schools’ directives on the use of school facilities.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and any modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Shirts must be tucked in at all times during school hours.
School uniforms must be in good condition and not torn, stained or faded.
House or Class T-shirts and other attire may only be worn when specifically directed by teachers.
Students are not allowed to wear religious ornaments, amulets, jewelry or make up of any kind.
Finger nails must be short, clean and unpainted.
Only girls may wear a simple (without design) ear stud and are only permitted to have one piercing per earlobe.
Piercing of any other part of the body is not allowed.
Tattoos on any part of the body are strictly prohibited.
Coloured contact lenses are not allowed.
Wearing of bath-room sandals is prohibited.
Male students must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
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