It gives me great pleasure, as Director of Great Victory Academy, to welcome you to the school’s official website. This website has been prepared in the hope that it will become a valuable source of school news and timely information for parents, students and visitors. It has also been developed to enable everyone become familiar with our school, its policies and other procedures that are basic for its smooth functioning. It is to provide them with updated school news, schedules and events. Our school has a very long tradition of zeal for academic excellence and our staff take great pride in providing a safe and serene learning environment for teaching and learning. We also offer a wide array of exciting and challenging academic programmes.
At Gt. Visco, our commitment to quality education through the engagement of highly qualified teachers and a well-endowed learning environment is evidenced by our yearly academic feats at both internal and external examinations. We help children develop qualities such as self-confidence, enthusiasm for learning, social skills, wholesome attitudes, self-discipline and an organized approach to life that will help see them through life as secure and independent adults. In a short period of our existence, we have earned an enviable reputation with regard to providing quality education to our proud children in the Upper East Region and beyond.
I am encouraging staff of Great Victory Academy, the leadership team of the school, the P.T.A., Old Students Association and clubs among others to be regular contributors to the website.
Kris Josef Akubah
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