Basic School 1-6 (Primary)

The school’s syllabi are based on the Ghana Education Service (GES) Curriculum for Basic Education Schools in Ghana with a few modifications to suit our standards as a private day-school.

We are very proud of our academic excellence and, therefore, we expect students who attend our school to maintain a high academic performance without sacrificing the moral upbringing so as to meet our targets for progress through hard work.

At Great Victory Academy, we believe that students are naturally creative, thoughtful, trustworthy and capable of making important decisions, and are responsible for their own actions. We, therefore, do not make punitive measures a major way of instilling discipline but rather through discussions that appeal to every good sense of judgment. However, there are offences which are unacceptable and improper and therefore merit certain sanctions as suspension and withdrawal, among others.





The school follows the Ghana Education Service Curriculum for Basic Schools in Ghana. Students write the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) after completing a nine-year stint or cycle in the school.

Our teaching methodologies are learner-centered with emphasis on the use of ICT. All subjects are compulsory.


English Language 

Integrated Science 

Simple Mathematics 


Our World Our People (OWOP)

Creative Arts



Religious & Moral Education 

Pupils are assessed in all the above-mentioned subjects and are expected to make a minimum score of 60% to pass, and 90% for a distinction.

The school’s syllabi are based on the Ghana Education Service (GES) Curriculum for Basic Education Schools in Ghana, with a few modifications to allow diversification to suit our standards as a private day-school.

We are very proud of our academic excellence and, therefore, we expect students who attend our school to maintain a high academic performance without sacrificing on the moral upbringing so as to meet our targets for progress through hard work.

At Great Victory Academy, we believe that students are naturally creative, thoughtful, trustworthy and capable of making important decisions, and are responsible for their own actions. We, therefore, do not make punitive measures a major way of instilling discipline but rather through discussions that appeal to every good sense of judgment. However, there are offences which are unacceptable and improper and therefore merit certain sanctions as suspension and withdrawal among others.


Academic Programme

The school follows the Ghana Education Service Curriculum for Basic Schools in Ghana. Students write the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE)after completing a nine-year stint or cycle in the school.

Our teaching methodologies are learner-centred with emphasis on the use of ICT. All subjects are compulsory.


English Language (Grammar, Reading and Comprehension, Composition and Writing)

French Language

Basic Mathematical Skills

Natural Science

Citizenship Education

Creative Arts

Physical Education 

Information and Communication Technology.

Pupils are assessed in all the above-mentioned subjects and are expected to make a minimum score of 60% pass mark and 90% distinction.